Reasons Why You Should Do Work Outside!

By: Vivika Kapoor ‘23

At the beginning of the semester, I started bringing my homework and assignments outside after feeling cooped up inside libraries and study lounges. I began bringing a picnic blanket out to the Great Lawn and doing my work there, which was one of the best decisions I made in college! Now, I want to share with my fellow Trojans why I love working outside. Check out these reasons why you should learn to love it too!

It Helps Curb Procrastination!

This is probably the biggest reason why I love working outside! Ever since I started studying and doing homework in the grass, I would stop staying up late cramming for tests or skimming my readings. Why? Because, since I worked outside, I was forced to finish the majority of my work during the day before the sun goes down. This is a benefit that you wouldn’t really expect from working outdoors but honestly, it will help you so much! If you learn to love working outside, you’ll need to finish your work before it gets cold and dark, which will save you from procrastinating all your work until just before 11:59 pm. 

It’s So Nice Outside!

We go to USC! We live in LA! Take advantage of this! You can enjoy the nice weather and sunshine outside since we live in year-round beautiful weather. On campus, there are tons of shaded spots in the grass for you to enjoy time outside or tables in the Village for you to set up your laptop. Plus, the atmosphere outside is so much better than being surrounded and trapped by books in Doheny. The openness and freshness of working outside at USC is an amazing plus to studying for your classes.

It Can Reduce Stress!

Even if it might seem predictable, working outside will help you with stress, anxiety, and other mental/physical health issues! Typical work environments are not the best for studying or learning, which is why a natural environment with sunshine and fresh air is a much better alternative. Ditch the fluorescent lights and cubicle desks of Leavey and study outside to help deal with overwhelming, stressful classes.

It Provides Good Distractions

Of course, you can focus and work hard when you’re studying outside, but another benefit of sitting outdoors is that when you need a bit of a brain cool down, it offers positive distractions. For example, there are always dogs at the Great Lawn which is why it’s my favorite place to study! Adorable dogs can come up to you while you work, which always makes my heart melt:) You can just lie down and look up at the clouds, watch other students playing games,  or play with the adorable puppies around you. All of these are examples of positive distractions for when you need a short break during your work.

It Works For Digital Studying Too!

You can always bring your laptop outside to work as most of our assignments are online anyways! Some computers already have glare-free screens, but if yours doesn’t, you can easily buy an anti-glare screen protector for less than $10. Many tables or chairs are close to outdoor outlets so you don’t have to worry about your device losing battery. I’m a Computer Science major, so I used to make my laptop the biggest excuse for why I wouldn’t work outside. But ever since I bought myself a glare-free screen protector, I never had a problem with doing all assignments outside.

It Can Help Creativity!

Studies have shown that people are better at creative problem solving and ideation when they are outside! Walking in nature can boost creative problem solving by 60%!

You Don’t Need to Worry About Being Loud!

Have a team meeting? You can hold it outside without worrying about bothering people in the library or reserving a study room. Forgot your headphones? I’ve played music and videos out loud before since everyone studying on the Great Lawn were spread apart. 

There are many other reasons why working outside is great, but these are just a few that personally motivate me to drag my laptop and picnic blanket outside. Try it a few times and I swear you’ll love it!

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