Sign me up!

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Campuses across the country recognize that extracurricular involvement increases student retention; basically, students are much more likely to continue their higher education at institutions where they feel a sense of belonging and purpose. 

To find smaller communities within our huge student body, to pursue new and exciting interests, to get to know new and different people, or to find people with similar beliefs - there’s no end to the reasons to get involved at USC.


And I cannot overemphasize how important it is to your college experience to sign up for any and every organization that even sparks just a little bit of interest.


An anecdotal example: My freshman year I decided I wanted to try out for an improv troupe because I’d had a few good one-liners in my day and really wanted to surround myself with hilarious folks. 

The audition involved a number of warm-up games and then a part where we had to go out in the hall alone and when we came back, pretend to be an “expert” and give a lecture on whatever topic the improv members suggested in that moment. As I stood out in that hallway, awaiting my turn, I thought about running back to my dorm. Or better yet, the cafeteria, which was still open. 

But I stayed, gave a fairly convincing speech on fine fabrics and wound up with a callback. 


I didn’t, unfortunately, make it past the final cuts but I met some really cool people in that audition who I’ve stayed friendly with to this very day. 

The worst case scenario in taking a risk on a tryout or audition or attending an initial meeting or interview is that you don’t like the club or don’t make it in. Either way, you’re in no worse off a position than you were before, right?


The very best way to get involved is to go to the Involvement Fair, which will take place August 24 & 25, 2016. 

Walk down all the rows and look at all the smiling, maybe a little sweaty, faces and try to figure out where you see yourself or would like to. Then sign your name and e-mail on any paper you can get your hands on and await the influx of unread messages in your inbox.


Remember, if you’re a freshman or a transfer student, there are tons of students in the same position as you are- feeling a little out of place and a little desperate for friendship and anything resembling what’s familiar to you.

So, as you receive all those initial interest e-mails, start attending information sessions and first meetings. As I said before, the very worst that could happen is you don’t connect with everyone but make a few acquaintances. Introduce yourself and let the chips fall where they may.


Get involved and get involved early for the smoothest transition and fullest experience!


For more information on Campus Activities, the following link is a great resource:

Additionally, if you want to check out the list of Student Organizations for this school year (it’s pretty hefty), the PDF below also includes contact information and a brief description. It couldn’t hurt to look it over before the Involvement Fair.

Fight On,

Grace Carballo ‘17 (look for me at the Peaks & Professors table)

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Trojans 360 is USC’s official student-run blog. Content created by students, for students.


USC Involvement Fair Roundup


Summer Reading: Notes from the Cafe