Student Organization Spotlight (SOS): Peaks and Professors

By Kelly Kinas ‘16

Ever wondered what a professor was like outside of the classroom? Ever wondered if they’re actual people? Do you also like being active? Have you ever wished you and a cool professor could hike a trail together and talk about your hopes and dreams and hopefully get to know them better?



What I just described ACTUALLY EXISTS in the the student org, Peaks and Professors ( Facebook here and website here). In their own words, “We create unique student and faculty interactions in the great outdoors, by leading hikes & camping trips for small groups, with the best professors at USC.”

Wanna learn more? Read below!

I know what you’re thinking. “This is too good to be true! I’m an active college student who wants to get to know my professors outside the classroom so they can write a better recommendation for me (or, you know, to get to know them). How have I never heard of this student org before?” Well, that’s pretty simple. It’s really easy to get caught up in all the social media posts for USG, Troy Camp, Helenes, and Trojans Knights. All of these orgs are fantastic but it’s also good to showcase other ones as well, like Peaks and Professors. 

They go on trips almost every weekend with Professors. Proof here:


Every semester, they have two registration periods for all of the trips in that section. Unfortunately, both of those periods have passed this semester but it’s something to look forward to in the fall! Sign up for the email blast on their website and it will tell you the second registration opens so you can go stargazing in Joshua tree or go surfing in Hermosa with some super cool USC professors!

For me, this was a perfect opportunity to reconnect with one of the speakers for a Panhellenic event I hosted last year, Professor Lamy of the Dornsife School. Back on Super Bowl Sunday, I woke up at 8am to drive and hike in Pasadena with Professor Lamy and a solid group of (young) USC students. As a junior graduating in December, I was one of the oldest members on the trip and that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing! While Professor Lamy was giving advice, I was talking and connecting to some of the younger students (and forced them to listen to random CDs in my car on the way back to campus). 


We made it back to campus in time to shower and get ready for the Super Bowl but this was not a easy hike. It was 8 miles total and had a pretty high elevation gain. I think I’m decently fit but after that hike, it was clear I needed to take my Physical Conditioning class more seriously. 

Even if you’re not a experienced hiker, Peaks and Professors has you covered!! On the sign up for the hike, it tells you how difficult the trail is, whether you need to wear hiking books or running shoes, how long it should take, and other very important things to consider before signing up. See below:


As long as you read before you sign up, you’re good to go. Unfortunately, this org is not a free service. Every trip has a fee ($5-$15 depending on the trip) but if you drive, it’s a discounted price. Every trip usually get a Peaks and Professors sticker (which is great to take photos with, see below) and company that will make the hike seem much less strenuous. 


All of the leaders of the hikes are USC students who love the outdoors as much as they love networking. Also, all the professors are really interesting and obviously want to talk and connect with students.

If you haven’t already, definitely like their Facebook page (here again) and sign up for their email list (here) so you never miss another awesome opportunity!

Fight on!


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