USC Majors as Hogwarts Houses

By Judy Lee ‘17 



All-encompassing and wise, Dornsife is a holistic school that enjoys an extensive reach of the majors offered at USC. The students are studious and noble—interested in the theoretical side of study, as well as the practical side of research.


Elusive in nature because its students are always in the Architecture basement working studiously on their complicated projects, the school of Architecture is a Ravenclaw at heart as it seeks to build entire structures that will become the foundation of future landscapes.



Meticulous and studious, the students in Roski can be counted on for their attention to detail and ability to produce excellent work under pressure. Often glanced over compared to other schools, the students are above being bitter about it. Instead, choosing to hone their craft that they hold a passion for.

Dramatic Arts

Hardworking and dedicated, the students of the Dramatic Arts school are generally underrated for the amount of dedication they have to their craft. Hufflepuff, the house that is “most tenacious of them all,” welcomes students like them.


Whether they’re rushing from shoot to editing deck, you’ll find that the students of SCA are both resourceful and helpful to each other. Always loyal, always ready to be on the move, and like Hufflepuffs, unafraid of hard work.



Popular, although often looked down upon for being rambunctious and lacking foresight, Annenberg students can still be trusted to have the initiative Gryffindor values. The students are proud of their “I’ll-be-there-first” attitude and dedication to excellence.

Iovine and Young

As part of a house that values nerves of steel, Iovine and Young Academy students embody all of these traits. Entering university already set on shaping industries, this school raises students in search of glory, but with down-to-earth qualities that separate them from Slytherin.


Daring, and different, Kaufman students are also the ones who stand out in a crowd as well-liked and popular. Being comfortable in their own skin is like breathing for these students, who have the coordination and talent to merge art with physical activity.



The students of this school often inspire strong feelings among the rest of the school. Keen on success and prestige, these students possess the glaring ambition of Slytherin—traits that disgust some people, and impress others. Either way, these are the students you want to keep in touch with, because they’re jet set on going places.


Also students you feel the strange magnetic pull to stick to. They are hell bent on being not only precise, but—at the end of the day—right. This school may seem constantly busy and exhausted, but this is the result of their unstoppable drive to establish respect for themselves and their work.


Student Organization Spotlight (SOS): Peaks and Professors


Sports 360: Ice Hockey