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Surviving Self-Quarantine With Toxic Roommates/Housemates

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Okay, so, self-quarantine/social distancing can be difficult for a lot of reasons — boredom, fear, loneliness — but can especially difficult if you are cooped up with the wrong sort people. You know, the kind that play loud music in the middle of the night, don’t clean up after themselves, and try to get under your skin at every turn. Trust me, I get it. The first step should always be to talk about it, to see if there’s any sort of resolution that could be reached. Suggest solutions, use “I” statements, and be direct. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t — but if it’s the latter, that doesn’t mean it’s completely hopeless. Even if the person you’re rooming with is a stubborn as a brick, you can still retain some semblance of control over yourself and your sanity, despite who may be around you.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

10+ Things You Can Do From Home During Spring Break

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Spending your spring break indoors instead of on the beaches of Mexico? Cancelled that trip to Europe? No worries! There are tons of fun things you can do right from the comfort of your home. Don’t believe me? Keep reading for ten ways to keep yourself busy over spring break!

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