10+ Things You Can Do From Home During Spring Break

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Spending your spring break indoors instead of on the beaches of Mexico? Cancelled that trip to Europe? No worries! There are tons of fun things you can do right from the comfort of your home. Don’t believe me? Keep reading for ten ways to keep yourself busy over spring break!

1. Make art!

Use this time inside to your advantage. Work on that piece of writing you’ve been putting down. Is it a story? A poem? What about a painting? Drawing? Have you ever tried origami? Try knitting a scarf. What about crocheting? You could even curate a playlist!

2. Consume art!

There could not be a better time to go on a complete media binge. Read a book, watch a movie, listen to a podcast, do a virtual museum tour, watch YouTube videos, or complete a whole Netflix series in a day. The choices are endless!

3. Get organized! 

School is on break, yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still do some work. Whether it’s using the week to get ahead on homework, review difficult concepts, or maybe just doing some spring cleaning (physical and digital), it’ll definitely make the transition back all the more easier.

4. Hone a skill!

Take advantage of your excessive amount of free time to learn something new! Learn a new language on Duolingo! Practice a magic trick! Watch juggling tutorials! Test your baking skills! Break open a cookbook and give a random recipe a shot! You could do anything!

5. Pamper yourself!

With all that’s going on, if there was any time worthy of a little self pampering, it’s definitely now. Whip up a nice face mask, meditate, or even indulge in some excessive day napping. No judgement.

6. Get physical!

Being stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t move! There is plenty you can do indoors to keep your blood pumping: yoga, dancing, stretching, weights (if you have them) and so much more! Don’t let your environment limit you; if there’s room to walk, there’s probably room for a little work out!

7. Get gaming!

From online games, to board games, to console games, and puzzles — these are things specifically designed for your entertainment so you might as well have fun with them!

8. Socialize!

Just because you can’t see your friends or family in person doesn’t mean you can’t see them at all, especially when we have so much technology at our very fingertips! Pick a phone to call a friend. Video chat with a family member! If you’re lucky enough to be cooped up with company, really cherish the time with those around you (pets included)!

9. Web surf!

Spring break is a break. Not everything you do has to necessarily be intentional or productive. Maybe just do some online shopping? Browse store catalogues. Mindlessly scroll through Twitter and Instagram. Laugh at TikTok’s and old Vine compilations — who cares!

10. Make money!

Social distancing is a great time to explore some side hustles and make a little extra cash. There are tons of resources related to college side hustles!

Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t have a great spring break. Using just some of these ideas is sure to make your time indoors less of a chore and more of an actual vacation!

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