USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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I Want to Change My Major…Now What?

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Changing your major is one of the many daunting and explorative aspects of college, but it’s not as uncommon as you think it might be. In fact, I changed mine twice! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably decided to change your major, but how does the process work? Here’s a step by step guide to embarking on a new academic journey.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Your Guide to Attending Free Events on Campus

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

From screenings to guest speakers to performances, there’s constantly exciting things to do on the USC campus. But nothing’s worse than finding out about an event after it’s already happened. Read more about how to stay updated with USC events and find some upcoming ones to mark on your calendar.

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Study Abroad Trojans360 Study Abroad Trojans360

Making the Most of your Semester Abroad 

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Studying abroad will already be one of the most enriching experiences you have as a student, but there are ways to add even more value. Looking back at my experience at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, I felt like I adequately prepared myself to go abroad, but there was still plenty I learned along the way. Here’s some tips I implemented that helped me make the most of my time in South Korea.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

My Experience Taking 20 Units

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Course registration is happening now and the decision to take 20-units can be tricky. It is advantageous for those who have many requirements to fill, want to try classes in areas of interest, or even add a minor. However, it can also be challenging. This semester I am taking 20-units, so I wanted to share my experience!

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1-Unit and 2-Unit Courses to Take Next Spring

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Registration for spring courses has officially begun, so students are well into the process of preparing their schedules. If you want to take something fun or fill up your units, USC offers a variety of 1 and 2-unit courses that are worth trying. Read on for a list of courses that I have taken and heard good things about!

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Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360 Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360

USC Green Week - Living a Sustainable Life

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Monday, September 20th will be the start of USC Green Week: a week of sustainability-focused projects and events to engage in. Students can take this time not only to participate in the events and sign the USC Sustainability Pledge, but think about the ways we are mindful of our planet. Read on for some sustainability tips and helpful actions you can do too!

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Where to Use Your Meal Plan Swipe

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

2021 has brought many new changes to campus, one of these being the meal plan swipes! On top of the three residential dining halls, there are now other on-campus options for those with a meal plan - like some restaurants at TCC. So if you are looking to dine somewhere that is not a dining hall without spending coveted dining dollars, take a look at this list so find some of my favorite options!

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Tips for Maintaining Good Posture During Zoom Meetings

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Zoom Meetings. Today we can’t avoid them. But humans weren’t made to be sitting down in front of a computer screen all day long and you might be feeling the effects of this in your body. So what are some ways that we can all loosen up our shoulders and straighten our spines? These simple actions are the least we could do for ourselves. Below are some tips that I try incorporating in my life and have found to be helpful!

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