Tips for Maintaining Good Posture During Zoom Meetings

By: Hannah Skinner ‘23

Zoom Meetings. Today we can’t avoid them. But humans weren’t made to be sitting down in front of a computer screen all day long and you might be feeling the effects of this in your body. So what are some ways that we can all loosen up our shoulders and straighten our spines? These simple actions are the least we could do for ourselves. Below are some tips that I try incorporating in my life and have found to be helpful!

1. Use a good chair: 

It all starts with comfort and good back support. If you feel uncomfortable in the chair you are sitting in, it probably means you should try a different one.  

2. Raise your computer to eye level: 

This will ensure that you don’t bend your neck and head down and forward. Remember that you always want to have your head resting square and aligned above your neck and shoulders. 

3. Sit square on your chair: 

Make sure you are not sitting on your tailbone. This slouching can be bad for your lower back. (A tip I’ve even heard is to imagine that you have a tail and don’t want to sit on it!)

4. Shoulders back and down: 

We can hold a lot of tension in our shoulders and neck. Release your shoulders from your ears and you will feel much better!

5. Spinal twist: 

A simple twist of the spine and hold for 10 seconds on each side can do wonders in relieving your back. You can do this in your chair, or you can take it a step further and lie down. First, lie down on your back, slightly bend your legs and lie them to the right side of your body. Then, stretch your left arm out and turn your head to the left. After a bit of time switch sides! 

7. Stand up and walk around: 

One of the best things you can do is simply get out of your chair and take a walk. Even if it’s just one minute of walking out of your room and around the house before your next class, this is a great way to give your body a break from sitting.  

I realize that it can be difficult to always be consciously aware of correcting your posture. You may suddenly realize that you are slouching and correct yourself only to slouch back down a few minutes later. But these tips may help good posture come more naturally. And, I always think that a sticky note reminder near your computer saying “good posture!” can be super helpful! 

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