The 10 Stages of an All-Nighter in Leavey Library

By Kelly Kinas

I believe most college students have had the misfortune of staying up for the entire night, struggling to stay awake and finish those 3 assignments you just happened to put off until that moment. Or maybe you have two midterms next week and you need to get this essay out of the way now so you can study for your exams. Whatever your reason, we’ve all been there.  If you haven’t, you pure, lucky thing. Cherish it. Don’t be jealous of us (like you would be anyway) and just pity us a little and bring us coffee. Through my vast experience in all-nighters, I present to you the 10 stages I experience when I have to do an all nighter.

1. The horrible pit in your stomach when you realize you have to pull an all-nighter

This usually hits you when you’ve already started your day. You keep making list of all the things you have to do and it just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. You suddenly realize that if you go to bed at 10pm, you will have not gotten nearly enough done. You need to bunker down in Leavey for most of the night and get this done. Your room will give you too much support and your bed will be calling to you. You need a place that is hard and cold and slightly uncomfortable to get you through this night. LEAVEY.

2. The reluctant settling into your spot for the night, bringing everything you could possible need for the next 9 hours

I brought easy mac even though Leavey doesn’t have a microwave. Chips, chocolate, monster energy, water bottle. Pretty much any junk food I could possibly need to get me through this all-nighter. Don’t forget all of your chargers and headphones. Can’t pull an all-nighter without those. Your computer will die on you. Bring the charger.

3. The not-really-being-able-to-fully-focus for the first hour, you keep thinking of small things like doing laundry and keep leaving the SPOT and not actually working on your assignment

“You need to check Facebook one last time. Maybe your email isn’t clear. I haven’t called my parent’s in a week. I wonder if they think I’m still alive. I still post on Instagram so they’ve seen that. I haven’t posted an Instagram tonight. What could I take a picture of here? I should focus on this. But I need to find the right playlist first…” Dialogue straight from my all-nighter first hour. You just can’t focus at this point. It’s your fault. It’s biology.

4. The actually-doing-your-assignment driven few hours

You get caught up in the assignment. You type like a maniac. Everything your Professor has said is making sense. You know where to research to find the GDP of Mexico. You’ve got this. 

5. The euphoria of being awake past 1 and for some reason you’re not tired yet

Usually, you’re tired at this point. Is all this caffeine and sugar working? Damn, I could go for a run right now. I’m not working on my assignment. I’m just so amazed I’m awake right now. I need to snapchat this. 

6. The sudden, and all-encompassing, need for actual food to continue on

The snacks aren’t enough anymore. You need a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks or to walk to Subway for a 6in sub. You need some actual protein to continue on. Fourth meal is a real thing. 

7. The extreme lethargy after finishing your midnight snack

Oh god, I can’t focus now. I’m too full. I’m getting tired because of the meal. I shouldn’t have done that. I was so focused before.

8. The inexplicable post-midnight crisis

           You think you’re doing everything wrong

           No one loves you

           You’re going to die alone

9. The begrudging acceptance that you’re going to be up until sunrise

I’ve already been here for so long. It’s like a second home. Not a nice one, but kinda like when Cinderella moved in with her step-mom and step-sisters. It sucked but at least she didn’t die. 

10. Finally, the totally worth it feeling of watching the sunrise with your assignment completed

It’s done. I can’t wait to go to sleep tomorrow night. 

Fight on!


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