The Importance of Sleep for College Students

By: Una Stanisavljevic ‘22

For many college students, receiving the preferred number of hours of sleep can be difficult. From grueling through all-nighters to attending parties, filling in the gap by recharging your body is a crucial component of self-care. While it might seem like an appealing idea in the beginning, choosing to swap sleep for coffee will not last in the long run.

Understanding the importance of sleep will ultimately change your perspective on creating a proper routine. Helpful tips such as going to bed at a routine time, not sleeping with bright lights, and not staring at your phone before knocking out are all useful to consider. I’ve personally found that tea lights create a much more soothing atmosphere compared to turning on a LED light. As we continue to finely attune to our new lifestyles as young adults, remember that taking care of yourself is never out of style. Regardless of one’s age, if you are feeling fatigued, your performance will show it.

Another component to consider is if you’re sharing a room with someone else. Especially if you have completely different schedules, always approach the subject in a neutral manner to avoid conflict. Like many things in life, taking the time to acknowledge each other’s differences may even influence you to change your habits for the better. If all else fails, investing in some earplugs is a good alternative to block out any lingering noise as well.

When the semester first began, I had a difficult time adjusting to my new environment. Being unable to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night began to make an impact on my daily tasks. After doing some research, I decided to give melatonin a try: a popular natural-based sleeping supplement. Advised to take an hour before you intend on going to bed, I immediately felt drowsy and was unable to finish the film I was watching on Netflix. While being stressed or anxious can heighten your inability to fall asleep, I suggest only going as far as to take this supplement if necessary.

I have started getting into the habit of listening to relaxing music to help fall asleep. Not only does it put my body at ease, it mentally prepares me to wind down for the day. Creating a zen environment for yourself is a good step to take toward increasing overall comfort. I hope these tips can help you create your safe space and ensure a good night’s sleep before tackling the day again!

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