This Happened Around the World While You Were Studying This Week

By Lauren Brose ‘15

It’s hard to keep up with everything that’s going on–– especially with pre-Thanksgiving exams and project due dates to worry about. This week, like all weeks if we’re honest, a lot happened. Here’s a handful of stuff that’s going on right now. Instead of splashing this post with the darkness that touches many parts of the world, I  tried to keep a balance. : )

Facebook tries to make breakups less painful


Breakups are rough for some. There’s nothing worse than seeing your newsfeed flooded with posts and pictures of your ex doing who knows what. To avoid this unwarranted discomfort, many resort to unfriending and blocking that person to guarantee never seeing them again. Facebook, however, offers an alternative solution. 

When a user changes their status to “single,” Facebook will now ask if you want to “take a break.” Additionally, users are now able to block posts and pictures from their newsfeed. This may seem new age and “innovative,” but Facebook has literally allowed us to “unfollow” users you don’t want to show up on your newsfeed. Since forever. Not only do I do that for ex’s, I also do it for people who irritate me. LOL.

Anonymous is super pissed at ISIS and Declares War

I am so fascinated with the work behind Anonymous, a collective of computer hackers who serve as our modern day cyber vigilantes. Before I go in on the details of their declaration of war against the Islamic State, let’s dial back to the history of this “hacktivist” organization. They formed formed around 2004 and can be identified by the Guy Fawkes mask (the same mask in V for Vendetta). Their sign off is “Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forget. Expect us.”

Through their technological skills that have proven in the past to find no challenge, they plan to intercept ISIS through the internet. Their Tweet, posted on November 15th, stated: “Make no mistake: #Anonymous is at war #Daesh. We won’t stop opposing #IslamicState. We’re also better hackers. #OpISIS.” In addition to the Tweet, Anonymous released a video, spoken by a representative, stated that social media is a weapon ISIS uses for recruitment purposes. It can also be used to our advantage as a tool for revealing their identities. They urge us to all work together and that “more than 20,000 Twitter Accounts belonging to ISIS were just taken down by Anonymous. You can find a list of all the Twitter Accounts in the description. This is only the beginning.”

Their closing remarks is a declaration of war against ISIS informing them: “you will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure.”

“Au nom de quoi?”


I found this to be an extremely powerful photo of a rose that was placed inside a bullet hole. The attached note translates “In the name of what?” It is truly heartbreaking what has happened in Paris and Beirut.

Adele talks sh*t on her ex-boyfriends in her new album which dropped today November 20


Adele’s third album “25” is officially released in the US. So far, it has been received fairly well. Entertainment Weekly claimed “Her voice is a national monument, a ninth wonder; whatever she chooses to wrap it around is transformed and taken over.” A negative criticism from The Guardian states “25’s big issue is that, in every sense, it dwells a little too heavily on the past.” I haven’t heard it yet but I absolutely loved “19.” I’ll give “25” a listen—you should too. YAY, CULTURE!

Donald Trump takes back what he Said about plans for mandatory registration in database for all Muslims if elected 

He believes all Muslims living in America belong in a registered database. Today (Friday), Trump withdrew that statement after all the negative criticisms that followed from both the Democrats and Republicans. This morning Trump tweeted “I didn’t suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defefar Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America” as a way to place the blame on someone else. This is considered to be the most controversial aspect of his campaign. Trump still appears to be a strong contender for Republican primary as his place in the polls has risen since the attacks on November 13.

The White House and other organizations publishes series of posts using #RefugeesWelcome in support of Syrian refugees


After the terrorist attacks in Paris, the country has become more concerned about the immigrants and whether they pose a threat to our current citizens.

On Thursday, November 19, the House passed a bill with a vote of 289-137. This means the program allowing refugees from Syria and Iraq to enter the United States is suspended. President Obama has already stated he would veto the bill, but the house has a pretty good chance of being able to override him considering the large number of votes the proponents had won by.

The White House has released posts that urge Americans to consider these refugees. One headline stated “ZERO: The number of Syrian refugees that have resettled in the U.S. that have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges.” Many organizations such as United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the largest Orthodox Jewish lobbyist group reminds our country’s leaders of the time we turned away Jewish refugees during World War II and the tragic things that became of them.

Universal teases the Hollywood location of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Video

R U KIDDING ME!! My first media kit I ever made in the PR program was about a fictitious Wizarding World of Harry Potter location. Finally, it comes to fruition! I am beyond excited to walk the streets of Hogsmead sipping on butterbeer I bought at The Three Broomsticks. To be honest, “I can’t even” right now.


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