Why Trojans Should Consider Going to Therapy

By: Una Stanisavljevic ‘22

As midterms are fast approaching, having someone to talk to regarding academic stress or personal issues can be a resourceful tool. Understanding that it can be daunting for many to confess their inner dilemmas, it can be helpful in alleviating some external pressures.

Especially for our generation, the coined phrase “suffering in silence” has drastically grown in popularity. More and more we are seeing anonymous outreaches on social media apps for those who need assistance but aren’t receiving it. 

Since we are all constantly in motion, it’s important to take a moment and reflect on what is causing students certain triggers to arise. Engaging in a conversation with a friend or taking a brief stroll around campus can all accommodate towards relieving built up anxiety. Erasing the stigma that your problems are not important as others is crucial because everyone’s concerns should be valued. Being in a safe and welcoming space will ensure that your worries will be addressed by those specializing in your concerns. 

Here are my three benefits of going to therapy: 

1. Going to therapy can impact your perception on the outside world.

This is ideally the cornerstone to building long lasting healthy relationships with future colleagues, friends, and romantic interests. Learning how to love yourself is the first step in the healing process. Building self esteem will make you see the world in a brighter life therefore encouraging successful endeavors.

2.You will become more productive.

We have all experienced it before, procrastination. It can be a joyous feeling in the moment, but leaving behind a bunch of work at the last minute can be super overwhelming. Engaging in meaningful communication with a therapist can identify your strengths and weaknesses and customize how you can be more effective with your time. 

3. It can help you control your emotions.

Learning certain coping mechanisms is important in tackling internal frustrations. We are essentially a mirror for everyone around us. Displaying yourself in an approachable manner can sometimes be difficult when you’re struggling with underlying stress. Educating yourself on how to have a happier outlook on life will positively affect your overall mental state.

Thankfully, USC has a variety of unique resources available for students to get the help they need on a professional level. The therapists are there to work through some common issues involving one’s anxiety, depression, and most importantly having a voice in your decisions. Especially for freshman and transfer students who haven’t yet been acquainted with the campus, it can seem overwhelming at times. Taking this additional step and reaching out to professionals is a smart option students should consider. 

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