5 Things I Learned Last Year as A Freshman

By: Lilly Kate Diaz ‘20

Hi, all!

I hope classes are going well. And I hope you’re taking self care procedures to make sure your well-being is at its greatest.

I figured that since I started my sophomore year at SC,  I’d let the freshmen know what I learned as a freshman last year (hence the title). So, let’s get into it!

1. You may not make friends easily/quickly.


And that is totally okay! For me, my first couple of weeks was really just exploring and honestly trying to not fall behind in my classes. I realized that I am not that brave when it comes to introducing myself, so making friends took a while. However, being in band definitely helped with friendships. I ended up finding my closest friends that I hope will be my friends even after graduation!

2. Self Care is a real thing (and honestly it’s okay to take a day off for your mental health).


Through my first year at a predominantly white school, I had some breakdowns where I questioned my place at this prestigious school and missed being around people of my background (speaking with custodians in Spanish made me so happy, but would make me miss home). My grades suffered a bit because I was unable to manage my self care and time for school and friends. I didn’t want to eat or go to classes my first semester. But by the time second semester rolled around, I began to take advantage of mental health resources at Engemann – within days, I felt much more confident, healthier, and was able to manage my time better than I ever had before. There are resources on campus grounds that were created to HELP students/faculty – please use them. I learned that it was okay to ask for help to better myself. I was able to spend time with my friends, family, and partner, while also giving myself care, love, and attention.

3.  Understand that you will change during your academic career in college.


Back in high school, my friends would often refer to me as this outgoing, talkative person who was always networking and introducing herself to others. That changed by the time I went into my French 2 class. I started to develop a much more reserved personality. At first, I was scared of change, but after talking about it with someone, I realized that maybe this is a good change. I’ve learned to embrace my introverted personality.

4. Exploring is good, whether it’s by yourself, with a group of friends or one other person, etc.


The city of Los Angeles is great. The campus of USC is hidden with great places/scenes. I personally love walking around random parts of campus and finding hidden gems like the Chapel of Silence and Literatea. When you explore the campus/city you immerse yourself in the culture that is exposed to you and your peers. Getting lost can be fun and helps you gain an understanding of the background and area that you’ll be living in (for the next however many years you live in LA), which is an experience no one can take away from you. Go with a group of friends or by yourself (and please, please be careful if you do go by yourself)! This also isn’t limited to grounds of campus, but can be seen as exploration in clubs/organizations, classes, people, parties, etc.

5. Visit home. Call family/friends.


Some of us may not be lucky to go home in ~30 minutes. Some of us are really busy with classes and extracurriculars. But I’m sure we can spare a few minutes to call mom, or dad, or anyone you may consider family. I think this was probably the biggest epiphany that I had my freshman year. I always had this mentality of doing everything on my own and that I only needed myself to get through obstacles, but that is NEVER the case. Life is a journey where you have others who support you, push you to be better (or accept you as you are), and will always be there for you. So please, friends! Call your go-to when you need help (and whenever you have time, too!). Visit when you can.

I hope these 5 things that I learned will be of help/guidance to you, whether you are a freshman, fellow sophomore, junior, or even a senior!

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