Freshman Career Advice: “Don’t Stress!”

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Going to college, especially USC comes with a wealth of resources. Alumni, internships, job opportunities and more are all at your fingertips — but when you are a freshman coming into this completely new environment, it can be a bit overwhelming. You may feel like you need to take advantage of absolutely everything right off the bat or you might feel so overwhelmed you take part in absolutely nothing. The threat of unemployment after graduation is a constant topic of discussion and that fear can manifest itself in a really unhealthy mindset, especially as a freshman. If you feel a bit out of water in it all are just trying to find your footing in a place that is going two times your speed, this is the perfect guide to learn how to best make use of your freshman year.

Just get comfortable with college. 

College is not always a seamless transition — and that’s okay. It might be your first time being away from your parents; it might be your first time leaving your city, state, country, or even continent. You’re allowed to feel out-of-place. With all of the freedom that comes with choosing your own schedule and curfew comes the responsibility of managing it. It is not a bad idea to take it easy and just learn how you are going to function in a new environment.

Attend special screenings, guest lectures, performances, and Q&As on a variety of topics. 

Expose yourself to different disciplines and areas of interest! College is the perfect place for experimentation and USC has way too many resources to not try and take advantage of at least a few. Really take this time to either discover or further define what you want to do!

Get involved in student organizations.

Not only does campus involvement help expand your network and open you up to new opportunities, but it also allows employers to see a history of commitment towards whatever your interest is. USC has 1000+ student organizations and yes, that is a bit intimidating and you can very easily tire yourself out, but if you can commit to being an active member of at least one it’ll go a long way. Quantity over quality definitely applies here.

Join USC Facebook groups.

This is another way to connect to fellow trojans or alumni who are in your field. You can expose yourself to both new people and new opportunities. While you definitely do not have to go post-crazy and check your feed 24/7, many organizations at USC use Facebook to announce their events and meetings, so it’s a good idea to check out what’s happening on there at least once a week!

Start exploring what your future career might entail.

I feel the need to say this right off the bat — this doesn’t need to be super extensive or stressful. You should aim for a sufficient understanding of your field; try to know enough so that if you ever run into someone in that career they’ll know you’re serious about learning more. At the end of the day, how can you prepare for your future if you do not know what to prepare for? Having a basic understanding of the industry you hope to join can be a powerful tool.

Visit the USC Career Services website.

USC Career Services has so many tools to help guide you through your four years that it would be a shame not to try to take advantage of at least a few. While you do not have to jump straight into job searches or mock interviews, checking out the website and being aware of what they offer will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Develop the first draft of your college resume (and see a career advisor for feedback).

Like I stated before, you definitely do not have to go into a crazy job search your first year, but creating a physical draft of all your previous experiences and getting an idea of where you stand professionally gives you a sense of the steps you will need to take in future semesters.

If there’s any message to take away from this, it’s to relax. Your world will not collapse in on itself if you don’t do that one thing that everyone seems to be doing. Opportunities are endless and freshman year is not the time to pull your hair out over missing every single one. Take your time and enjoy your time because it’ll go by faster than you think.

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