My Final Blog Post as a Trojan 360 Writer :(

By Lauren Brose ’15


I interviewed for this blogging position before the Fall 2014 semester started. At that time, Trojans 360 wasn’t even called Trojans 360— Andrea, our supervisor, was thinking of names as she was mapping out our initiatives. Before there were a team of writers it was only me and Kelly. Andrea was discussing with USC Student Affairs about forming a new lifestyle blog that discussed topics pertinent to the college experience. More importantly, we were asked to shed light on the USC experience. This is where Kelly and I came in. We hoped that by incorporating our stories to these topics, students will be able to resonate with what we had to say. Although we all at times may feel small in a student body as large as USC’s, it’s important to understand you’re never alone. I truly hope that our content has accomplished what we aimed to do! : )

This past month has been odd for me for many reasons: I completed my undergraduate degree, quit my internship at Pixalate, subleased and moved out of my apartment, and am now getting ready to move away from home. In February, I will be moving to San Francisco to begin my position at Oracle. I am overjoyed that I achieved the only objective I set for myself at USC— secure a job prior to the end of classes— but if i’m totally honest, whenever I think about how I am gonna have to learn a new city and adapt to a new social scene, I feel anxious before I feel excited. I do embrace this change and tell myself not many have the guts to pick up and move so I’m confident it’s going to be both liberating and life changing. Plus, I know some really cool friends in the city who would be happy to show me around. Overall, I am in a  really good place in my life and I look forward to the future.

Before I sign off from Trojans 360 for good, I want to say a few things:

You can do whatever you want - This is the key to happiness. Fulfilling my own needs by doing what I want free from the concerns of what others may think is my slice of joy. If you want to please others, do it as long as it’s what you want. If not, just know there is no correct way to properly live your life. Some want to get a college degree and move away from home and others are happy where they are and living simply. The most freeing realization I came to was that nobody can define who I am–– only myself. I embrace my differences not out of superiority but through having the self confidence to think independently. Everyday I choose to do things that make me happy and everyday I do this is a day not wasted.

You’re young, not indestructible - I’m only 22 and I can see myself slowing down. I once went out 7 days in a week and considered opting in on an 8th night out but my voice of reason (clearly absent for an entire week) told me I need to chill. When I finally did, I came down hard with a cold. At some point you are going to have to pay the price of neglecting and abusing your body. Since we’re here to go to school and find good jobs, I recommend keeping in mind that your body has a voice and it will tell you when it’s had enough. Listen to it.


Not all friends will stay in your life, only the real ones - I can count on one hand the number of people I still keep in touch with from high school. Those friends, however, are going to be my friends for life. Discovering who your true friends are is a wonderful feeling because the bond you share is powerful. Think about it: you’ve been able to remain in each other’s lives despite all the changes. I would say I have a large number of acquaintances but few friends. When I joined a sorority, I technically had 230 friends. Only 1 true friend came out from that experience and I am so glad to have met her. I would do it all over again because she is the type of girl I’d want to include in my wedding and travel the world with. People will drift apart, no matter how tight you might’ve been at one point, but that’s a part of life. Don’t force things— if you’re just as important to them as they are to you, time will tell.

Just go with the flow - This goes out to anyone in a friend group, group project and living situation. This also goes out to whoever is going to Coachella or is trying to have a killer night out. If in your head you imagined a perfect evening going a certain way and the rest of your group sees it differently, be a good sport and just go with the flow. People appreciate flexibility. If you’re going to be difficult, people are going to take notice and they won’t find you very pleasant to be around. I was particular about Coachella and insisted on seeing some closing sets even though they were subpar. I was outvoted and had to suck it up–– which led me to discovering the The Do LaB. Now, I wouldn’t even touch Coachella if it weren’t for The Do LaB aka my favorite place in the entire world. It’s been toooooooooo long since I’ve been there! B)


Form relationships with your professors, not potential “soul mates” - Just like how friends come and go, so do relationships (well, most of them anyways). I hate to break it you, you’re no more special than anyone else on this planet. Therefore, it’s silly to waste time on maturing men/women because we will never be their exception. Call me a pessimist, I call myself a realist. If I could go back and do college over, it’d be to focus on being a good friend and student. My professors will forever be available for career advice and to get connected to employers. My ex-boyfriends, on the other hand, are people I can count on never seeing again.

Be spontaneous - This might be my favorite personality trait of mine. I spontaneously went to frat invite with a guy I met the day before and had the most amazing time. He’s one of my best friends now and we’re gonna spend NYE together at a house music event. Last May, I bought a cat without telling anyone and it was the best purchase I had made in 2015 by a long shot. My favorite memories at USC were the ones where I did things I did not plan on doing. The novelty of doing something spontaneous is what makes it so much more fun. This can be little like satisfying your cravings by busting a mission to In-N-Out or opting out on a night of binge watching Netflix to instead opt in on a day in Mammoth. There is so much to see and do in Los Angeles. View this opportunity as a time to really make your mark. Despite its many flaws, I look back and view this city with so much love. All of the crazy fun things I did simply for the novelty are times I’ll never forget.


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