National Champions Fight On to Victory!


By Emily Young MA ‘16

USC Women’s Sand Volleyball had the perfect season—literally.  They finished 28-0 with the AVCA Collegiate Sand Volleyball National Championship trophy in hand.  The team brings home USC’s 123rd all-time national championship and I cannot think of a team more deserving for that honor.

Words can’t describe it. The vision you have been working for and relying on during tough days of practice, finally becomes a reality.  You scream, you hug, you can’t stop smiling—it’s pure bliss.  Beyond winning the national championship, there is a much deeper story of hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and passion.  I’ve had the privilege of playing with these girls for a semester and I can speak to their accomplishments both as players and individuals.  


Ending the season 28-0 is a testament to the depth and talent of the USC Sand Volleyball team roster. All season we were tested, but the team never crumbled.  We’ve had close calls all season against the previous national champion, Pepperdine, but we walked away three times victorious 3-2.  Some would call it luck, but I believe our team embodies the Trojan Spirit and takes the words ‘Fight On’ to heart.

 As competitive as our team is on the court, we are more caring off the court. We’re a diverse group of individuals and have many different talents, but we molded a cohesive team because we care immensely for one another.  We cared to do the little things in practice and never stopped pursing the challenge of getting better.  We cared to be the best at things off the court like volunteer hours, sports psych, rehab, and academics.  Our team cared to invest in one another and give more than you receive; a commitment that carried us to 28-0.

 Individually, each and every player is someone you would want in your foxhole; someone that you would battle to the end with and entrust with your life.  They’re all my best friends and people I appreciate dearly. Yes, I’m beyond elated that we won the national championship, but when you do it with a group of people that have inspired you to be the best person possible and always have your back….there’s no words to describe it.


Anna Collier, Andrew Fuller, Dain Blanton, and staff: thank you for leading our journey and helping us become NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!  


Alexa Strange, Sophie Bukovec, Kelly Claes, and Sara Hughes congrats on being named All Americans.  


Kelly and Sara, way to win the AVCA Pairs National Championship! 

CBS Sports Network will be airing portions of the AVCA Championship May 23rd, 10am PT. 



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