Simple Remedies For Period Cramps

By Judy Lee ‘17 

Ain’t nobody got time for cramps when midterms are underway. As approximately half of you may know, cramps are the worst when they impede on your ability to function. 

However, there are quick and simple remedies to help you out with that so that Club Leavey is just that much less intolerable of a place. When your abdomen feels like it’s wringing you out like a wet towel (pun intended), here are some ways to feel better: 

Apply heat


This is the method your mom taught you—applying heat to the area will dilate the bloods vessels that constrict and make you feel that cramping sensation. Remember not to use any cold items on your stomach, as that may constrict your blood vessels and make the cramping worse!



Another method of opening your vessels is through the SUPER EXCITING activity of exercise! Although you will feel like absolute crap starting out, the dilation combined with the endorphins released by the exercise will be a double whammy. 

Avoid alcohol and caffeine


On the same logic, alcohol and caffeine restrict your blood vessels. So, maybe lay off the row for the week. Your body will thank you for it in many different ways! Plus, it’s a good excuse for a recharge week.



Bananas are a great source of this. Although it’s not quite understood how potassium helps out with PMS symptoms, it is widely used in medications intended for cramping.

 Get more sun


Vitamin D has proven to minimize cramps if you get some before it starts. This means you should get more sun into your life! Not about that not-in-bed life? There are also vitamin supplements you can take instead!

Have an orgasm


Strange and unorthodox, but actually said to work. This is interesting because it combines the effects of endorphins and blood vessel dilation (similar to exercise)! 

That said, if you’re having intense pains that make you feel like you want to die, perhaps you need to see a doctor about it. Although cramps are a source of discomfort and inconvenience, they shouldn’t be painful to the point of intolerability. But not to worry, even these are manageable with medication under the supervision of a medical professional!


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