The Truth About Internships That No One Wants To Admit

By Judy Lee ‘17

I’m not going to sit here and pretend as if I have never prescribed advice to people in my life regarding how to flag down an internship. In fact, it is something I enjoy doing because I love when people realize their own potential and learn to piece their stories together in a powerful, raw way that benefits them. 


I’m also not going to be the only person who enjoys giving this kind of advice. However, in the sea of tips people will dole out regarding resumes, cover letters, applications, deadlines, letters of recommendation, timing, dress, interview standards, etc—a lot of it falls flat of a truth that is so imperative to understand:

Internships are very much a matter of luck.

That person who landed that “big” internship? Probably has the skill, the talent, and/or the means. However, I find that once you get past a certain point of having had internships, it’s hard to remain humble and remember that it doesn’t make you much more of an expert than the next person—especially to people who are your peers.


This isn’t to say that luck is the only driving factor in obtaining an internship. Obviously, it is a culmination of a number of attributes. But, I would argue that it is often neglected in conversations about it whether due to pride or forgetfulness.

The road to that “big” internship is the luck of landing the first one, then the second, and so on until you gain the skills required to grab “the one”. Even then, there is plenty of luck in play. What does this mean? 

It means you can relax and feel more confident in the work you’re doing. Apply for things you may not feel qualified for because you never know what others will see in you. Without the exposure, no one will know you exist and therefore won’t be able to give you that stroke of luck you may just need to be well on your way to your dream career.

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