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Managing Your Time: Learning to Say No and When to Say Yes

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Simply put, saying “no” is not always easy. When being invited to things we can find ourselves constantly saying “yes” not because we actually want to go, but because we feel obligated or simply don’t think about saying how we really feel. It is important to value your time and know that you do not have to go to every single thing you are asked to be at. If you mindlessly agree to go to every event, party, or hang-out that comes your way you’ll find yourself feeling drained, lost, and scrunched for time. On the other hand, if you stubbornly resist to go out or do anything at all, spending all your time holed in one spot, you’ll miss out on so many great opportunities to meet new people and expand your horizons. What it really boils down to is: when should you say “yes" and when should you say “no”?

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Learn to Love Your Own Company

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

One thing that I think is important for everyone to learn is how to enjoy your own company. I don’t mean that you have to break up with your significant other or cut ties with your best friends, but it’s good to spend time with just yourself. They say that friendship isn’t necessary for survival, but it’s what makes surviving worth it. And I agree. Friendship and companionship is wonderful and valuable. But if you can’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect anyone else to do the same?

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Kundalini Yoga for Mental Health & FREE CONCERT APRIL 22nd

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

Let me begin by addressing a few misconceptions. Yoga, as a practice, is neither about form-fitting Lululemon pants, nor turning yourself into a human pretzel. You don’t need a Hydroflask or even much flexibility. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years by people of all skill levels and backgrounds with universal results: drastically increased mental and physical benefits. Kundalini yoga in particular focuses on maximizing mental health benefits through special yoga practice combined with mantras, a kind of chant and music intended to help direct and focus the mind. For a taste of these mantras, be sure to check out the Grammy Award-winning band White Sun, a group famous for their musical interpretation of yogic mantras. The FREE concert will be held on Monday, April 22nd at 6PM in Founders Park on campus. For a better idea of what this type of yoga is all about, keep on reading!

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What to Binge on Netflix

By: Natalie Oganesyan ‘22

For self-care purposes, obviously. I don’t know about you, but for me, Netflix is on par with therapy (okay, maybe that’s an overstatement). However, I can recall turning to Netflix for help any time I was upset, overwhelmed, angry, or felt any other negative emotion. Not only do I believe that taking your mind off of things by watching TV is stress-relieving, but I also believe media, movies, and shows can enrich your mind. Especially nowadays, more and more movies offer political and social commentary on important topics and present themes which were previously left untouched. So, without further ado, in the name of self-care and college student survival tips, I present to you my comprehensive list of the most binge-worthy shows and movies to watch on Netflix.

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Don’t Sweat It: Getting Over Gym Anxiety at USC

By: Antonia Le ‘22

Let’s face it, with midterm season still in full swing and finals season edging closer every day, going to the gym is probably one of the last things in your mind. Even if there was all of the time in the world, many USC students do not take full advantage of the fitness opportunities available to them. Right on USC’s campus, there are two state-of-the-art fitness centers, the Lyon Center and the USC Village Gym, that students can walk in and use for free. It’s normal to have anxiety over going to the gym (especially if you’ve never gone before, or have little knowledge of the machines), but there’s no better time than the present to start your fitness journey. Gym memberships will only get more expensive once you graduate, so if you wanna make the most of your USC experience, here’s some tips for getting over gym anxiety and living your best life.

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Removing Toxicity and Practicing Self-Love

By: Natalie Oganesyan ‘22

I was recently moved to make this post because of an experience in my personal life concerning relationships. Without going into too much sensitive detail, I cared about a person who did not reciprocate my same feelings. They led me on and, in the end, I felt a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions that I could not shake for a long time — frustration, anger, sadness, betrayal, even stupidity. I felt cheated, discarded, naive, especially since this was my first attempt at a romantic relationship. I wanted to make this blog post to help others who may be in the same position, who are struggling to get over a friendship or relationship with a toxic person or who need a little help practicing self-love in getting rid of people in their lives that only spread negativity.

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Sexual Violence Protection Services and Title IX Policy at USC

By: Sumaya Hussaini ‘22

With recent events on campus like lawsuits being filed against the USC Student Health Center and growing conversations over sexual assault, it’s imperative that students understand the services that their university has to offer. If you’re unaware of USC’s current policies and regulations concerning sexual violence prevention and protection, don’t worry! This article will explain Title IX policy, RSVP Student Health Services, information regarding rape kits and date rape drug testing, and what the Undergraduate Student Government is doing to protect the sexual health and safety of its students.

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Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360

Plan B for Plan B: Emergency Contraception Around USC

By: Karla Leung ‘22

Accidents are a part of life, and in a pinch, it’s good to know where to find emergency contraceptives. Purchasing Plan B, a pregnancy test, or any other sexual health item can sometimes be embarrassing or nerve-wracking. Luckily, there are a variety of places around and off campus that provide discrete and convenient access.

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Art by Being Yourself

By: Camila Grases ‘21

I am by no means an expert in the art department. Creativity is something that everyone has but few are experts at expressing. This semester, in particular, has given me plenty to reflect on. Taking black and white film photography and my first writer’s workshop, there are some surprising things I have learned about the creative expression and the artist. Here are just a few things that I would like to reflect on, coming up on mid-semester.

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Self-Care During Midterm Season

By: Natalie Oganesyan ‘22

Let me paint a familiar picture. It’s midterm season and you’re spending all your available hours and sanity on studying. You’re stressed beyond belief, but in a week or two the worst will be over. That is, until you get hit with the common cold. Or something in your personal life goes horribly wrong. Or you realize you spread yourself way too thin. Your first thought is “Are you kidding me?” and it’s closely followed by “That’s just my luck.” But I’m here to tell you that it’s not the end of the world. Even if you feel like death now, and everything feels like it’s coming crashing down, here are a couple things you can do to give yourself a break and push through this trying time:

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Advice on Sleep from an Insomniac

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

We’ve all heard how sleep deprivation can cause short-term consequences like poor judgement, weakened immune system, and poor concentration and is also correlated with detrimental long-term effects like heart disease and neurological degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately in an age of instant gratification and ever more invasive technology, maintaining healthy sleep habits is becoming more difficult. Sleep difficulty has been cited as the leading factors affecting USC students’ academic performance (along with stress and anxiety which also cause further lack of sleep, leading to an awful positive feedback cycle). As a diagnosed insomniac, I’m definitely guilty of not getting as much sleep as my body needs. The following are some tips that have helped me obtain a more consistent, healthy sleep schedule.

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How To Stop Yourself From Having A Bad Day

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” - William Shakespeare

Imagine this: It’s Monday morning, you’re about to walk into a discussion which you are already late for, and then, you realize you forgot your bag. Later, someone bumps into you and spills hot coffee all over you. Or maybe, you hear about a bad grade, instead? Whatever it is, you feel your mood getting worse and worse and in the end, you end up sulking the entire day because of a couple of bad events. Do not get me wrong, sometimes things happen which completely deserve time to grieve and process, but others are trivial matters that we tend to inflate in our own heads. If this is your case and you feel yourself increasingly getting bothered throughout the day, maybe these tips will help you feel a little bit better.

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