Conquest 2018

by Sophia Pei ‘22

This Saturday is the infamous USC vs. UCLA game. A fight to establish which university has the best football team in LA. The most anticipated game is preceded with USC’s greatest pep-rally-esque event: Conquest. As someone who could honestly care less about football and won’t be at Saturday’s game, this event infused me with all the school spirit I’ll need for the upcoming weekend.


So most people have been to pep rallies before whether it was a PTA organized play date before little league soccer or high school rallies where 3000 students are crowded into some outdoor arena to witness one hour of bad skits and overplayed pop music. From a Ferris wheel to live music, Conquest is definitely on a whole other scale. Yes, it has the performances from the cheerleaders and the marching band, but it also has fireworks, rising performers, and free stuff!


Did I mention there was a Ferris wheel?


And fireworks?


Along with the free food offered at various booths, there were also food trucks serving mochi ice cream and other goodies.


Being arguably the biggest football pre-events in LA, Conquest gets a bunch of big-name sponsors. This year, it was Abercrombie and Fitch. Not only did the stage have the brand label shining at the top, but there was also a booth where students could get a free, customizable USC shirt for Game Day.


While football may be the main event, less athletically-inclined individuals like myself may be more intrigued by USC’s new E-sport team. SC Legends is scheduled to battle UCLA’s E-sport team in League of Legends this Saturday. In celebration of this new area of competition, booths were set up near Pardee tower so students could play games ranging from Super Smash Bros to Mario Kart. 


This year’s concert featured Tierra Whack and Ekali. While these may not be as well-known names as in previous years, students loved the music from these up-and-rising artists.


Unfortunately, do the recent neighboring fires, the usual bonfire was canceled. Animosity towards UCLA thus found its outlet through “Pie a Bruin”. 


As the custom goes, Traveler the little-known actual official mascot of USC, Hecuba (wife of Priam, Queen of Troy), and Tommy Trojan (what most people assume is the mascot of USC) are currently wrapped up and guarded by the Helenes, the “hostesses” of USC who enjoy lounging around the various statues on campus (but also are involved in service projects in the community). Learn more about the Helenes in Alexis’s post.


Anyone else with rudimentary knowledge of the classics may find it ironic that USC’s official mascot, is a horse? “Equo ne credite, Teucri!” (Shoutout to fellow Latin scholars!). The fact that the entire USC mascot system is based on the fallen city of Troy seems rather ill-omened. Take notes, you superstitious athletes!


Nevertheless, the carnival+pep-rally+concert that was Conquest is an essential part of the USC experience. Definitely would recommend at least going once in your 4 years here (if not going every year)!


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