Style Guru: Lauren Black

By: Samantha Romero ‘16

Lauren Black

Major: Public Relations (Minor: French)

Year: Senior


SR: there any interests or hobbies that drew you to choose your particular major in Public Relations?

LB:I’ve always known what I’ve wanted to do—become a fashion editor. My love of fashion came from reading stacks and stacks of magazines when I was young, and that turned into following blogs and editorial websites as the industry expanded. More so than reading, though, I’ve also loved writing. So I actually started off as a Print and Digital Journalism major but felt that studying PR would give me better access to the kinds of fashion opportunities that exist in Los Angeles, and it definitely has. 

I’m happy with my decision, but I do miss writing, so I am considering going to grad school for fashion journalism somewhere down the line. The French minor was kind of a given, since I admire the culture and it is truly the heart of fashion. It allowed me to fulfill my dream of studying in Paris for a semester.


SR:What is your role as a style guru on “CollegeFashionista”?

LB: I wanted to become a CollegeFashionista Style Guru so I could have an opportunity to write about trends and style advice on a respected platform. My role is to scout out fellow fashionable students on campus, photograph their style and make a story out of it for the blog. 

I also get to represent CollegeFashionista on my social media. It’s a really cool way to network with students not only on my campus but across the nation that share my interest in fashion.

SR: Favorite places to eat/drink on campus?

LB: I’ll grab an Iced Soy Latte from Illy in Annenberg when I need it, and while I don’t eat on campus that often, I do crave the Caprese sandwich from Seeds a lot. Right off campus though, my biggest weakness ever might just be Pizza Studio.


SR: Who’s your style icon?

LB: I know it’s basic and I wouldn’t exactly call them icons, but I do love the style of Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid as curated by their stylist, Monica Rose. She kills it. I’m more interested in modern style, so if anything I would say the concept of iconic French style resonates most with me.

SR: Do you have a personal blog?

LB: No, though I’ll probably start one once I graduate. I write for the USC Fashion Society Club blog right now, which is just a fun little side project when I have time that’s tailored to the USC lifestyle, and of course CollegeFashionista.


SR: Any tips/ fashion advice for the fashionably student that is always on the go?

LB: Stock up on basics—like plain t-shirts, tanks and good pairs of jeans—and a mix of statement pieces that can make your whole outfit—like a standout coat, cool shoes or even an interesting belt. When I’m in a rush but want to look cute, I always try to add one of these “third pieces” to elevate an otherwise simple outfit.

SR: What stores do you frequent most in LA?

LB: I’ve worked with LF Stores for years now and was shopping there long before, so as the current Marketing Manager at LF Abbot Kinney I’m obligated to say their boutiques! But honestly their clothes make up half my closet. Otherwise I really just love shopping outside, so if I’m not on Abbot Kinney I like to go to the Grove or Third Street Promenade.

SR: Do you have a favorite blogger and what about them do you like?

LB: Shea Marie of Peace Love Shea, absolutely. I’ve always related to and admired her style; I’ve been following her for years. She’s also from Southern California, and I feel like we have the same casual approach to our interest in trends and high fashion. I love the way she mixes it all together.

SR: What are the 3 things you can’t leave home without?

LB: My rose lotion, rose lip balm (I have a problem), and my fluffy key chain.

SR: What do you enjoy most about being a student at USC?

LB: The Trojan Family! There are plenty of schools in LA but none with the network or the spirit like USC.

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