The Self-Care Report: Why it’s so Easy to Put Yourself Last


By Emily Young MA ‘16

When you’re busy and tired it can be the first thing to go.  Taking care of yourself when you’re in a mental fog and on the brink of exhaustion is the last thing on your list that seems important with looming deadlines, but it’s the most important.  Studies show dedicating time towards self-care increases productivity, well-being, and happiness…and even might improve your GPA.

Self-Care Report: This Week Have you….

  • Skipped brushing your teeth because you were too tired?
  • Missed a meal because you were too busy studying?
  • Getting consistently less than 7 hours of sleep at night?
  • Using caffeine or other drugs as means to stay awake?
  • Experiencing psychological or emotional mood changes?
  • Feeling overly stressed?
  • Avoiding other people?
  • Had limited physical activity?
  • Not making time for yourself?

As this list indicates, it’s easy to put yourself last.  Try one of these self-care tips and start dedicating time to your top priority—YOU!

 22 Self-Care Tips:

1. Pay complete attention to something you usually do on autopilot.  


If you are drinking too much coffee, really pay attention to the taste and the aroma to change up your morning routine.

2. Do a mini-declutter.

Yes, cleaning is a means of procrastination, but if you are studying in an unorganized environment it will scatter your thoughts as well.

3. Unplug for an hour.

Switch everything to airplane mode for an hour…social media can wait.

4. Take a home spa.


Have a long bath or shower and become insanely happy like this woman

5. Take another route to the library.

Mixing up your routine in small ways creates new neural pathways in the brain to keep it healthy.  Try walking instead of biking.

6. Go Outside.


Meditate or watch the clouds in the sky.  If it’s late, look at the stars.

7. Do something you love. 

Spend an hour alone doing something that nourishes you (reading, your favorite hobby, visiting a museum or gallery, etc.)

8. Create a deliberate habit.

If there is something you are struggling with, make a new routine.  Set an alarm at 9pm before it gets too late to brush your teeth.

9. Breathe.


Practice calming breathing by taking deep breaths into your abdomen and letting the air puff out your chest.

14. Laugh.

Take a Facebook break and read some Trojans360 blogs or funny BuzzFeed articles.

15. Get your heart rate going.

Walk, run, or move around and stretch…anything to get your heart rate going.

16. Make one small change to your diet for the week.

Drink an extra glass of water each day, or have an extra portion of veggies each meal.

17. Take a quick nap.


Ten to twenty minutes can reduce your sleep debt and leave you ready for action.

18. Pay it forward.

Carry a bag, open a door, give a compliment etc., do something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return.

19. Write out your thoughts.

Putting your thoughts down on paper will help you from agonizing over them.

20. Stroke a pet.


USC therapy dogs are lifesavers.

21. Splurge a little.

Buy a small luxury as a way of valuing yourself.

22. Ask for help

Talk to a friend or visit the USC Health and Wellness Center if you are struggling with self-care.  


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