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Simple Remedies For Period Cramps
By: Judy Lee ‘17
Ain’t nobody got time for cramps when midterms are underway. As approximately half of you may know, cramps are the worst when they impede on your ability to function. However, there are quick and simple remedies to help you out with that so that Club Leavey is just that much less intolerable of a place. When your abdomen feels like it’s wringing you out like a wet towel (pun intended), here are some ways to feel better:
Not East Nor West: On Asian-American Body Image
By: Judy Lee ‘17
It’s been a few days since Chinese (Lunar) New Year, and aside from all the festivities and vibrant cultural hallmarks, it has given me some time to reflect on my roots. I have no qualms about discussing (in great detail!) the amount of pride I have in being Asian-American. It is a source of strength and beauty I have grown to love more and more with age, but that’s not to say it is without its repercussions…
4 Ways To Beat Jetlag
By: Judy Lee ‘17
As classes start back up, it sucks to tackle jetlag on top of classes. After an 8-hour flight, here are some realizations I’ve had that may help you the next time you have important stuff to do after you land. Sometimes you just gotta:
New Year, New Semester, New Goals
By: Emily Young MA ‘16
Spirits are high! It’s the first week of school, we are reunited with all of our friends, and procrastination is a thing of the past. I mean it’s a new semester right? Anything is possible!
The Present of Presence: The Gift We Forget To Give
By: Judy Lee ‘17
As the holiday season approaches, there will obviously be much more talk about the giving season. Everyone has a gift for someone else and holiday cheer is spread all around. But as the days draw nearer before I leave for study abroad, I find there is a mistake I’ve made over and over again: I place more emphasis and value on giving material items that will hopefully convey my feelings instead of being emotionally present.
Yoga Poses You Can Do While Studying
By: Felicia Zhu ‘17
It’s that time of the year: Finals Season. Sitting down to study for hours at a time is exhausting, and makes your muscles tense up. When it’s time to cram and there’s no time to exercise, why not combining the two? Studying while exercising.
Do What You Love
By: Grace Carballo ‘17
Some say do what you love and you’ll never work in your life. Others like to take it farther and ruin things by adding “because that field probably isn’t hiring.” Usually about this point I interject and tell them how Global Studies is an up- and-coming field and literally the entire world is my oyster, but that’s not the direction I’m heading with this post. As finals begin to affect your sleep schedule and maybe even your hygiene, I want to encourage you to take a short, well-deserved break to ask yourself why you’re doing all this in the first place.
4 Ways To Stay Awake
By: Judy Lee ‘17
I want to preface this by saying SUFFICIENT SLEEP SHOULD BE EVERYONE’S GOAL. Sufficient sleep results in better health, better eating habits, better cognitive power, less cranky tantrums, hating the world a little less, etc.
Food for Thought: Study Snacks of Champions
By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17
I think it’s been hitting us all recently: the end of the semester is basically here. I know, I know, it felt like we were battling the summer heat yesterday, but now it’s time to be buying Christmas presents, eating Thanksgiving turkey, and….studying for finals.
5 Ways To Destress Right Now
By: Judy Lee ‘17
1. Breathing exercises: sometimes, the anxiety you feel may just be how fast your heart is beating. The simple solution, of course, is to slow it down by breathing slowly. Count to 5 as you inhale and exhale…
5 Stages of Daylight Savings
By: Judy Lee ‘17
Daylight savings (DST) is either the bane of one’s existence or the saving grace. Either way, it happens in 48 states in the United States (minus Hawaii and Arizona) and is a part of the ‘Murican way of life (thought other countries also use DST). Though spring DST always kills me, fall DST brings up a host of different feelings.
6 Thoughts You Have During Your First 5k
By: Judy Lee ‘17
My mile time in elementary school was 9 minutes and 8 seconds. Nowadays, getting to a 10-minute mile is hellish. Since then, age and the freshman 15 have not done me any huge favors. So when I signed up for the Santa Monica Classic for $40 (roughly equivalent to almost FOUR Chipotle burrito bowls with guac), I knew the wager was enough to get me going.