5 Easy Steps To A Healthier You

By Judy Lee ‘17


1. Get sleep done—the right way

Despite what everyone says, we all have individual sleep needs. Some of us can survive off 6 hours and feel groggy after 10, and some will be the opposite. Take a week to learn how you fare at different hours and stick to the one that gives you the best rest. Keep in mind that most sleep cycles are completed within 1.5 hours. So, for me, I generally need around 7.5 hours to feel rested.


2. Drink more water

Said over and over by everyone—for good reason. This doesn’t mean you have to chug 8 glasses, it means that maybe you start building tea into your morning and evening routines. Maybe you buy a water bottle that holds a liter so you can drink more without feeling too lazy to refill. Maybe this means eating more water-rich foods such as fruits. Plenty of ways to mix it up!


3. Take your vitamins

Any multivitamin should do! For better eyesight, get some Vitamin A in you. For better skin, Vitamin E. For better immune system, Vitamin C. So on, so forth.


4. 30 min of daily exercise

Isn’t too much work after a while, actually. Once it becomes routine, it will be effortless fitness. Of course, make sure this is something you don’t completely dread doing or else you run the risk of giving up too early.


5. Increased mindfulness

Take 10 minutes every morning or night after you wake up or before you sleep to sit by yourself in peace and quiet and reflect on the day. How did you feel about yourself? Was there things you could do to feel better? What can you do tomorrow/today to make you feel healthier? Always end on a good note and reflect on what you did that made you feel good that day.

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